Monday 19 February 2018

This way you can check who is using your Adharcard......

New Delhi: Do you know where your support number is being used? Maybe you do not even remember how often you …
Where did he give his photocopies or his place of support? But you can find out where the support number is being used …
You can also know that there is no misuse of your support number and you are not able to. In no place, your support is not being used, which informs you …
Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) has given it the facility to check it. This Authority manages your support. If you want to check your base, then you …
Go to 1 Support Orientation History page. Here’s a link- https://resident.uidai.gov.in Here below, you will see Aadhaar Authentication History written below. Click on this link ….

We all are so much busy in our daily life and tasks, everyone is doing something and involved their time and efforts on the work. Today I’m going to discuss a very common issue that most of us are facing. And the issue is: why we are so less productive? You will also believe me that you have faced similar situations. Will you put a lot of your time and effort on a certain task that doesn’t require that much. Are you facing similar issues ? Do you want to know how to do more work in less time?
So let’s begin, here I will tell you how I will able to become more productive and time efficient. Like the days I was wasting time doing stuff that doesn’t require. Whenever I have some work to complete, it took me ages complete that single work. I got distracted too easily. In short, I was very unproductive.
Then there the day comes when I thought that now its enough. I can’t spend all day on doing tiny little things. I have to some way that makes me more productive. So here I want to share some are some tips that you can apply in your life and become super productive.
1 – Get Rid of Distractions First
The very first thing that you should start with is minimizing your distractions. Distractions are everywhere they keep you bringing and disturbing on the time. Whether you’re aware or not your life is filled with lots of distractions. You have to overcome with them. When you want to max out every minute of the time just disconnect from Facebook, whats-app, kind of things first.
Get rid of extra stuff that is lying on your table or hanging on your wall. Make a clean and silent environment for your work.
2 – Improve Your Concentration
The second thing I would recommend you to do is improving your concentration. Remember if you have laser targeted concentration, the possibilities of doing more work in less time will be a piece of cake. There are many exercises and routines that you can follow to improve the concentration level. You can do yoga and meditation to get immense concentrating mind. By this method you can complete the task quite efficiently and effectively.
3 – Be Conscious About Food
You must have been hard that the food you eat you become. If you are consciously taking junk foods and similar things your mind will not going to perform as you like. Cut off all these junk foods and rely on healthy vegetables. You can take fresh fruit juice or a hot cup of coffee when you’re going to start your work. Remember, the healthy diet is key to success for your mind. In the long run, you cannot compete with the competition if you’re not getting good food.
4 – Manage Time Efficiently
As we already know that the time is the most precious thing in our life. The time which has gone will never come back again. So when you are investing your time in any work you should also know effective time management. People tend to do mistakes in this area most. Never work for longer hours continuously. Take some little breaks in between. The break should be not more than 15 minutes. Taking shorter breaks will lead you to better productivity. Also make a schedule of your work and structure it properly.
5 – Meditate Daily
For a healthy body you need good food and for healthy mind you need daily meditation. I have saved the best for the last, and this tip is awesome when compared to any other. You should do daily meditation. It would take not more than one hour per day. In beginning you can try spending 20 to 30 minutes daily. Later when you feel comfortable, you can extend the time as per your convenience. The meditation is the best practice and it should not be done forcefully. Only a 10 minutes of meditation can transform your mind and makes you productive
These were the tips then I want to share with you all. As I am also following these in getting good results. So what are you waiting for? Go and plan your day out and start implementing the things I have suggested. You will surely see a noticeable difference in the productivity of your work.
That’s all for today friends, and I will see you later. Take care.


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